Teeth Whitening Tips from an Ocean County Dental Office

Teeth Whitening Tips You Can Try At Home

We’re sure you want brighter and whiter teeth. You wouldn’t be reading this or visiting your Ocean County dental office if you didn’t! Though the best results will only come from a visit to your dentist, there are some things you can do yourself right in your own home to assist with making your teeth whiter. Here are some ideas:

What To Do:

Brush Your Tongue

If you thought brushing your tongue was purely about keeping your breath fresh, think again. Your tongue suffers from bacterial buildup, and that buildup that can result in staining on your teeth. Brushing your tongue helps alleviate that problem.

Eat Raw Fruits and Vegetables

The saying that an apple a day keeps the dentist away is true! Raw fruits and vegetables – think apples, pears, crisp celery, carrots, and others like them – help scrub away plaque and things that can stain, making them a delicious way to maintain whiter teeth with a visit to your Ocean County dentist.

Use Apple Cider Vinegar

This is a simple, organic teeth whitening approach you can do at home. Just rinse with apple cider vinegar. That’s it! Though not as effective as the professional treatments you’ll get from your dentist, it can have pretty good results and help you maintain some brightness. All you need to do is mix two parts water to one part apple cider vinegar and rinse.

Replace Your Toothbrush

You should be doing this no matter what! Keep in mind that due to bacterial buildup, you should replace your brush every three months, just like your Ocean County dentist says. Aside from that, worn bristles become increasingly less effective at cleaning your teeth as they wear down.

Rinse Your Mouth After Eating Citrus

Oranges lemons, limes and others are delicious, but they can be murder on your teeth due to their high acidity. Eat them as much as you want – they’re good for you, after all – but rinse with water after you’re done. Your teeth (and your Stafford Township dentist) will thank you for it.

Visit Your Dentist

All of the above suggestions will help ease the staining effects that time, eating, and drinking will have on your teeth, but if you desire noticeably whiter and brighter teeth, you’re going to want to ask your dentist about whitening.

What NOT to do:

Do Not Use Baking Soda

This all-purpose cleaning agent is often suggested as a product that can help you clean your teeth, but proceed with caution! Baking soda can be very abrasive, wearing away the enamel of your teeth and eventually causing them to darken.

Drink Too Many Energy Drinks

You already know to avoid staining drinks like coffee and tea, but did you know that energy drinks can wear at your teeth color, too? Your Stafford Township dentist will confirm that these drinks are highly acidic, causing them to wear at your tooth enamel. If you have to drink them, consider using a straw to help avoid your teeth.

Don’t Gorge on Dark Foods

Marinara sauce, blackberries and blueberries, dark sauces for your pastes and meats, and similar foods may be yummy, but they can stain your teeth and set your whitening efforts back. If you do eat them, brush promptly afterward!

Finally, the best thing you can do for your white teeth? Have regular checkups with your dentist!